
The public health system in India can be strengthened through the presence of well-trained and competent public health professionals. Qualified public health professionals are a necessity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Such an inter-disciplinary public health workforce can also advance the vision of Universal Health Care. The aim of our MPH program is to make public health education and research activities relevant to India in content and context, while attaining standards which are qualitatively comparable with the best in the world.

Program Contents

The multi-disciplinary curriculum includes core and elective courses. The core courses include: Introduction to Public Health, Basics in Epidemiology, Basic Biostatistics, Demography, Social and Behavioral Sciences in Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, Health Systems & Public Health Programs, Health Management, Health Economics, Financing & Policy, Research Methods, Public Health Nutrition, Communicable Diseases, Non-communicable Diseases, Scientific Writing – Proposal, Protocol development, and Report Writing. The elective courses include: Disaster Preparedness & Management, Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis, Global Health, Advanced Epidemiology, Implementation Sciences, Health Economics, Financing and Policy, Gender, vulnerable population, emerging issues, Applied Statistics for Public Health.

At the end of this program, the following core competencies will be acquired by the candidates:

  • Apply contemporary ideas to influence program organization and management, problem solving and critical thinking in public health domain
  • Undertake operational research in institutional and field settings
  • Work in socially, culturally and economically diverse populations by being attentive to needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and be well versed with existing health systems
  • Demonstrate qualities of leadership and mentorship
  • Be an effective member of a multidisciplinary health team
  • Demonstrate ethics and accountability at all levels (professional, personal and social)
  • Practice professional excellence, scientific attitude and scholarship
  • Demonstrate social accountability and responsibility
  • Be open to lifelong learning

Program Administration and Language

The program utilizes a variety of teaching/learning techniques, which include lectures using Audio-Visual aids, demonstrations, group discussions, and presentation by students. Hands-on practice in computer-based applications and statistical software using computers will be imparted in several courses. The main language of instruction would be English. During internship, the students will get an opportunity to engage in research related activities while working in a community set up, a public health research organization, a NGO, a hospital or a laboratory.

Selection Process

All candidates should submit the application form for the Master of Public Health program in the prescribed format, which can be downloaded from PHFI website. The application consists of registration form, proof of academic credentials, work experience, contact details of two referees (academic and/ or professional) and a Statement of Purpose (SOP). The applicants will be short-listed based on their academic qualifications, relevant experience and Statement of Purpose. This will be followed by an interview. The selection of candidates will be conducted by a specially constituted screening committee represented by PHFI and AcSIR.

Program Structure

The MPH program is an intensive two-year full   me program focusing on enhancing skills and abilities of students in research, management, problem solving, and critical thinking in the area of public health. The first three semesters include classroom-based, face to face teaching, tutorials and practical’s (computer lab and public health activities in community). The final semester includes 6 months of project work (with dissertation). The student needs to successfully complete the coursework and the project work to be awarded the MPH degree. Students are encouraged for taking up internships during summer/ winter breaks between semesters, or after completion of the project work, only after due formal permission from their respective supervisors. Adequate institutional support will be provided to students for smooth completion of internship.

Degree Awarding and Registering Body

Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) in collaboration with Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) brings you this unique opportunity to further your career in the area of public health through the Master of Public Health program. The degree will be awarded by Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research. For more information visit

Program Fees

The fee structure for Master of Public Health program for the candidates admitted in the year 2025-27 is as follows:

For Indian and South Asian Nationals

Tuition Fee: The annual tuition fee for the students admitted for the academic session 2025-27 is Rs 2,40,000/- per student per academic year (the total tuition fee for the two year program is Rs. 4,80,000/- which includes Rs. 10,000/- admission fees and Rs. 10,000/- examination fees)

For International Candidates

Tuition Fee: The annual tuition fee for the students admitted for the academic session 2025-27 is USD 7,200 per student per academic year.

Scholarship: Limited number of scholarships for MPH may be awarded for deserving and meritorious candidates, subject to availability of funds.