
Any research that impacts the care and well-being of human population come under the domain of clinical research. Clinical research in a broader sense involves epidemiologic studies, clinical trials, translational research, patient-oriented research, behavioral science and, health service research. High quality data and reliable results are key to generate evidence for decision making and to provide impetus for improving patient care. To produce such data, a systematic and multidisciplinary approach is required involving a range of disciplines like basic sciences, biotechnology, pharmacology, clinical medicine, statistics, and public health and behavioral sciences.

Program Contents

The multi-disciplinary curriculum will be covered under the core & elective courses (modules). The core modules include: Basic Epidemiology, Basic Bio-statistics, Clinical Trials-Design and Analysis, Conduct and Operational Issues in Clinical Trials, Bioethics and Regulatory Affairs, Systematic Reviews, Proposal Development and Medical Writing, Data Management, Drug Development, Pharmacovigilance and Project Management. Under elective courses we offer various areas that will fall under Research Methods, Statistics and Laboratory Sciences. To know more about the course (module) information of this program, visit the website:

Following are the core competencies acquired by the candidates at the end of the Master’s program:

  • Reviewing existing evidence in literature
  • Developing a grant application in bio-medical research
  • Managing ethics and regulatory approvals of protocols
  • Managing a research project
  • Managing research data
  • Planning and executing statistical analysis
  • Communicating research results to a scientific community

Program Administration and Language

The program utilizes a variety of teaching/learning techniques, which include lectures using Audio-Visual aids, demonstrations, group discussions, and presentation by students. Hands-on practice in computer-based applications and statistical software using computers will be imparted in several courses. The main language of instruction would be English. During internship, the students will get an opportunity to engage in research related activities while working in a community set up, a public health research organization, a NGO, a hospital or a laboratory.

Selection Process

All candidates should submit the application form for the Integrated MSc (Clinical Research) & PhD program in the prescribed format. The candidate can apply online or also download the application form from PHFI Website. The application consists of registration form, proof of academic credentials, work experience, contact details of two referees (academic and/ or professional) and a Statement of Purpose (SOP). The applicants will be short-listed based on their academic qualifications, relevant experience and Statement of Purpose. This will be followed by an interview. The selection of candidates will be conducted by a specially constituted screening committee represented by PHFI and AcSIR.

Program Structure

Masters in Clinical Research

The MSc program in Clinical Research is an intensive 2 year, full time program focusing on the scientific, ethical, and operational issues related to clinical research. Four semesters will be completed in 24 months. First three semesters include class room based, face to face teaching, tutorials and practical. The final semester includes 6 months of project work (with dissertation). The student needs to complete 11 compulsory core courses (modules), 4 elective courses (modules) in 18 months and submit the project report to be awarded the MSc degree. Students are encouraged for taking up internships during summer/winter breaks between semesters, or after completion of the project work, only after due formal permission from their respective supervisors. Adequate institutional support will be provided to students for smooth completion of internship.

PhD Program

The students who complete the Master’s program with a GPA of 8 and above will be eligible for the PhD program. A formal application needs to be submitted which will be screened & enrolment will be finalized by the PhD screening committee. This full 􀆟me and project based PhD program is for a minimum of 3 years. The research topic for PhD will be developed under the guidance of mentors from PHFI and AcSIR. The students are free to choose any topic of their interest ranging from basic sciences to community based studies. The student can be allocated to any of the CSIR Labs participating in the collaborative program on mutual consent.

Degree Awarding and Registering Body

Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) in collaboration with Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) brings you this unique opportunity to further your career in the area of clinical research through the Integrated MSc & PhD program. The degree will be awarded by Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research. For more information visit

Program Fees

The fee structure for MSc (Clinical Research) program for the candidates admitted in the year 2025-27 is as follows:

For Indian and South Asian Nationals

Tuition Fee: The annual tuition fee for the students admitted for the academic session 2025-27 is Rs 2,40,000/- per student per academic year (the total tuition fee for the two year program is Rs. 4,80,000/- which includes Rs. 10,000/- admission fees and Rs. 10,000/- examination fees)

For International Candidates

Tuition Fee: The annual tuition fee for the students admitted for the academic session 2025-27 is USD 7,200 per student per academic year.

Scholarship: Limited number of scholarships for MSc may be awarded for the deserving and meritorious candidates, subject to availability of funds.