The Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) is a public private initiative that has collaboratively evolved through consultations with multiple constituencies including Indian and international academia, state and central governments, multi & bi-lateral agencies and civil society groups. PHFI is a response to redress the limited institutional capacity in India for strengthening training, research and policy development in the area of Public Health.
Structured as an independent foundation, PHFI adopts a broad, integrative approach to public health, tailoring its endeavours to Indian conditions and bearing relevance to countries facing similar challenges and concerns. The PHFI focuses on broad dimensions of public health that encompass promotive, preventive and therapeutic services, many of which are frequently lost sight of in policy planning as well as in popular understanding. The Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, launched PHFI on March 28, 2006 at New Delhi. PHFI recognizes the fact that meeting the shortfall of health professionals is imperative to a sustained and holistic response to the public health concerns in the country which in turn requires health care to be addressed not only from the scientific perspective of what works, but also from the social perspective of, who needs it the most.

Public Health
A country’s prosperity rides on the health of its population. Today, the foremost challenge confronting India is improving its performance on health indicators. Beyond these numbers which represent national averages, there is a human dimension to public health – all sections of India’s population need to be assured of accessible, affordable, and effective health services.
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PHFI: A Think Tank, Academic and Research Institution
Over the past decade, PHFI has begun to play a transformative role in India’s public health environment. In doing so, it engages a wide array of stakeholders who include central and state governments, national and international donors, civil society, academic and research institutions and the communities that PHFI works with.
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What do we do
Building a trained public health workforce through world-class, India relevant educational courses and training programmes. Supporting improvement of core public health programmes such as Immunisation; HIV/AIDS prevention; Allied Health workforce capacity building through technical assistance (as Technical Support Units) to Government of India and to the state governments
Read MoreFormer Prime Minister of India
Our vision is to strengthen India’s public health institutional and systems capability and provide knowledge to achieve better health outcomes for all
- Developing the public health workforce and setting standards
- Advancing public health research and technology
- Strengthening knowledge application and evidence-informed public health practice and policy
- Uphold the trust of our multiple stakeholders and supporters
- Honest, open and ethical in all we do, acting always with integrity
- Link efforts to improving public health outcomes, knowledge to action
- Responsive to existing and emerging public health priorities
- Knowledge based, evidence driven approach in all we do
- Drawing on diverse and multi- disciplinary expertise, open to innovative approaches
- Aim for highest standards in all aspects of our work
- Encourage, recognise and celebrate our achievements
- Independent view & voice, based on research integrity & excellence
- Support academic and research freedom, contributing to public health goals and interests
- Strive for equitable and sustainable development, working with communities
- Collaborate and partner with other public health organisation

Building IndIan Institutes of Public Health for Developing Public Health Workforce
At the time of its launch in 2006, PHFI had set out a Charter that focused on institutional capacity-building to strengthen education, training, research and policy development in public health across India.
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Research at PHFI
Since its inception PHFI has worked to establish a robust evidence base for public health, in partnership with national and international institutions, by advancing policy and programme relevant research in prioritised health areas. PHFI has been undertaking projects in multiple areas including epidemiology and control of infectious and chronic diseases, maternal and child health, health systems, and social determinants of health.
Read MoreAmong the several honours and awards received by PHFI’s faculty and scientists, some are listed below
- Public Health Foundation of India awarded the PHD Chamber Award for Excellence in Skill Development for the Year 2015 by the Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh
- Diabetes training programmes – CCEBDM and CCGDM are recognised by prestigious International Diabetes Federation for the period 2014-2016 and 2015-2017 respectively. CCGDM is also accredited by South Asia Federation of Endocrinology Society (SAFES) from 2014 to 2016
Our Journey
Launch of Public Health Foundation
Bhoomi Pujan for permanent campus of IIPH Gandhinagar
Establishment of IIPH - Gandhinagar and Hyderabad
Launch of PGDPHM for National Health Mission
Establishment of IIPH– Delhi
Launch of Diploma Programmes (Health Economics and Bio Statistics)
Establishment of IIPH– Bhubaneshwar
Distance Learning Education Programmes Launched
PHFI registered as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO), by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India
PHFI accorded status of a Nodal Centre of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (WHO)
Launch of Integrated MSc & PhD in Health Informatics and Clinical Research
International Diabetes Federation awards Certificate of Excellence to PHFI’s primary care training programme
‘Swasthya Slate’ (the electronic tablet for point-of-care diagnostics, introduced for RMNCH+A implementation in J&K
by National Health Mission
Launch of MPH programme at IIPH –Gandhinagar and Hyderabad
IIPH – Gandhinagar accorded University Status under the State Act
Establishment of Indian Institute of Public Health – Shillong
Bhoomi Pujan of Permanent campus of IIPH – Hyderabad
Launch of Permanent campus of IIPH – Gandhinagar
Launch of MPH programme through affiliation between IIPH Delhi and Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum