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Dr Biswamitra Sahu
Assistant Professor

PhD, Demography, University of Groningen, the Netherlands; MPhil, Population Studies, International Institute of Population Sciences, Mumbai; MA in Sociology, University of Hyderabad

Dr Sahu’s research is primarily located in the domain of social determinants of health, specifically, intersectionality of health outcomes on the health status of women and minorities. In her doctoral research, she explored the reproductive behaviour of Muslims and Hindus in India and Bangladesh. She has also developed a short course in qualitative research methods. She has published a book and a couple of research articles in internationally acclaimed demography and human geography journals. Currently, she holds a PHFI-Wellcome Trust research fellowship (2013-2015). In the past, she has been recipient of The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research grant (NWO-Wotro: 2006-2009), HERA fellowship (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands: 2004-2005) and Government of India fellowship (MOHFW: 2002-2003).

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